Now, while you go around thinking dogs and cats are odd couples, but take a look at this couple! Even odder (if that is a word) than a dog and cat. It's a cat and chick! WOW. Very ODD!!!
Stop what you are doing and look at this crazy invention! Who needs to blow their nose so badly that they have to install a roll of toilet paper on their head to blow!!!
This monkey is hilarious.... I do not have any clue whatsoever of why his face has an O shaped mouth but it is really funny! I wish I could have seen this in real life (his hair is kinda messy) but he is still so funny looking! If I could rate this picture out of ten *'s i would give it ********** for funnyness (If that is a word)
Hey everyone! Check out this guys lunch! It fits in the palm of his hand! How cool is that! How much does the average person pay for a burger SO peuiny. That is a lunch fit for a mouse, not a person if you ask me!